
Ne Plus Ultra

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

View from The Sky

today on the frontpage the picture of the pm sending off the smart team, to help provide rescue and relief work at the earthquake devastated pakistan. question! why so late? other countries like japan sent their rescue team on the day itself. why cant we do the same? distance wise, i think we are closer. the first 24 hours is critical to rescue any surviving trapped victims. after that, the survival rate drops. it seems our smart team response time still leaves much room for improvement.

View from The Sky, originally uploaded by AZG.

went to the skybridge on oct 2. located at the 42nd floor of the twin towers, the bridge is "suspended" between the two towers to allow for motion of the towers.

together with the family was a group of 45 people from sekolah tunku ampuan durah seremban. later they went to petrosains. as i did not join, no photos la.

i would like to take this opportunity to share with you these delicious Berbuka Puasa juadah from cozy house restaurant, 3f great eastern mall. enjoy...


At 9:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 1:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

why is the 1 the first comment being removed? is it from paul?

nice pic but ur using a super thick plastic/glass filter, good composition but would be better with a wide angle (i guess its an SLR). this view is a popular shot, and taken many times.... be more creative and original.

At 1:17 PM, Blogger Panglima said...

first comment was promoting some direct selling thingy. so removed!

if you've been to the bridge, the place IS surrounded by thick glass. nothing to do with the camera filter.

can you prove many has taken this shot? dont think so.

and why dont you try to be original by using ur real nickname. hehehe...

At 1:55 PM, Blogger dith said...

It shows that our SMART team isn't smart after all!

At 11:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i had been to the bridge and that was what i meant by super thick plastic/glass filter. to get a excellent pics you must get the glass out of ur way. how? i dont know.

there is minimal pincushion distortion and slight light flaring, i guess its a nikon dslr, a d70 or d50 with its standard package. cannon lenses are not notorious with those distortion, on lesser clarity than nikon.

for my nick, i m fauziah and they call me Gee. i love singing and photography. sorry if it offended you. Nice composition really.

At 12:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think many people are visiting the bridge with cameras and from the bridge, the scope of vision is also limited, so why would you ask people to prove something obvious?

I`m not commenting on this photograph. Let the department of survey and mapping do it.

You can get better shot minus the glasses from the top of menara KL but must have the CEO permission for access to that particular floor.
If you want to take city photos from a high angle, get a helicopter or a plane and choose a cloudy day. Images of ground without a a bit of cloud doesn`t look interesting.
FYI Gee is all original...right to the toe.

At 11:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i dont like to be left behind. Paul and gee are already here.

Menarik! Anda berbakat dalam bidang fotografi. saya tidak bersetuju dengan paul agar membiarkan pengambaran udara dan lanskap di buat oleh jabatan ukor atau dengan helikopter.

usaha anda baik dan masih banyak ruang untuk kemajuan.

At 7:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saya tahu sebelum ini saya selalu kata bakat anda tak sebagus kamera anda yg 'cantik' tu, tapi hari ini saya suka apa yg saya lihat.

Anda bak bunga yang sedang mekar di taman, hanya tunggu untuk dihinggap kumbang durjana!

I like what I see!

At 8:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah...Roslan`s got a point there on the blooming or blossoming flower whichever it is. I heard your voice is also thinning. You need to work out a lot on appreciating your own voice and not get carried away trying to sound like Gee.

At 8:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ish ish ish.. makin meriah juri MI kat sini. diaorang tak nak mengomen kat ke?

At 12:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

paul, we are commenting on photography here, pi (photography idol).

go for it boy, ur doing fine. take advantange of what u have, ur new dslr camera.

u will be ok.

At 5:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Siti rasa gambar ini cukup menarik walaupun agak kabur. Siti cuma nak komen sikit: pasal gambar bird's eye view sebegini, memang mempersonakan tetapi kita kena pandai mengolahnys supaya nampak lebih 'real'. Seolah2 kita melihat dgn mata burung itu sendiri. Itu pendapat Siti lah.

Siti nak tambah sikit. Sebenarnya cerita Siti nak tamatkan zaman bujang tu gossip je. Jadi kalau abang2 di sini nak isi slot kosong, sila lah!

At 5:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saya sebenarnya tak berapa pandai tentang fotografi ni. Saya tak pernah ada kamera pon. Skerang baru terfikir nak beli. Twin Tower pon saya tak sampai lagi. Gambar tu memang cantik, world habis!

Saya nak pesan kepada peminat says semua, janganlah taksub sangat dengan saya. Saya ni insan biasa, bayak kelemahan.

At 5:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aki ni bab gambo2 ni bukan la pandai. Tapi bodoh2 Aki ni, Aki boleh nilai. Gambo ni Aki nampak ada ciri2 apa org puteh kata? Nilai estetik? Entah, bunyinya gitulah. Cuma Aki rasa, macam tak berapa tajam sikit. Ke mata Aki yang teruk rabun ? Entahlah mata AKi ni sejak dua menjak nih, kabur amat wei. Sebab tu Aki kurang jalan2 gi lawat cucu. Cucu2 seme apa kabo wei? Sihat? Alhamdulillah

At 9:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Macam saya cakap tadi, memang saya tak pandai ambik gambo. kalu suruh nilai pulak, tak larat la. Penat nak pikir. Tengok pun dah gayat, macam mana nak pikir. Nak pikir ni saya kena termenung dulu. Tu yang kekadang lupa lirik. Orang marah pulak kat saya kata macam macam. Dah kena pikir lagi. Penat la. Senang macam ni la. Kita nyanyi ramai ramai kalau saya lupa, tak la terperasan sangat. Baru la World. Kita nyanyi tepok amai amai dulu lepas tu baru Oh Zaleha. Eh...lupa lagiiii..Saleeha.

At 10:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saya kira sudah tiba masanya saya memberi penilaian dari sudut seni, memberi ulasan nilai estetik seperti yang disebut oleh Tok Ki Andak. Seperti Aki, saya juga tidak mempunyai kamera.

Dalam seni ada nilai moral, keindahan dan tarikan yang tersendiri. Saya percaya saudara akan menjadi jurugambar superstar satu hari nanti. Teruskan usaha agar cemerlang, gemilang dan terbilang.

At 12:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alamaaaak. Saya rasa betul kata Abang Nasir. Seni ni ada sudut dia, macam bilik, macam reban ayam..macam apa lagi hah? Lepas tu suara tu kena keluar ulas ulas macam bawang la, estetik pun kena ber ulas ulas macam kata abang Nasir dan Tok Ki Andak. Baru World!
Estetik tu kira macam dapat duit la kalau suara kita sedap, sebab tu ada nilai.
Jangan pulak nyanyi aje. Kena la pulak tolong kerajaan benteras dadah. Tu la pasal saya laung belia benci dadah. Tu kena ikut tu. Benda baik kan. Yang Abang Nasir cakap keindahan dan tarikan tu saya tak nak komen la. Tu kira dah masuk bab aura la yang orang lain kata. Aura ni macam dalam cerita kung fu pedang setiawan tu la. Dia tarik power lepas tu dia lepaskan macam ombak besar. Agaknya la. Ok lah. Penat la pikir nak cerita panjang panjang ni.

At 1:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yiitu... aerial photography, sudah sentuh jambatan saya. saya punyee kementeeriaan sudah siasat, yiitu bridge mana bolee angkat gambaar.

sayaa sudah arah jambatan siasat yiitu p5 punyaa orang.

tapii... saya juga sukaa yiitu gambar. komposition juga macam sayaa, samaa yiitu wavelength. mungkiin adaa jauh punyaa hubungan daraa.

saya bukan maraaa, yiitu mau kena saudaraa jugaa. jejak kasih punyaa.

At 2:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

saya nak buat komen sikit. jika samy dah komen, saya tak jugak ketinggalan. saya percaya usaha p5 ni baguih. apa ke nama.... orang melayu nak ambik gambar macam ni tak perlu dasar ekonomi baru, usaha sendiri dah boleh.

huk...huk... saya sedih bila depa nak DEB semula. kita tak mahu jadi red indian duduk di tanah reserve. kita dok kat tanah rancangan felda dan dah dapat subsidi pun dah baguih.

apa yang p5 buat ni macam panjat apa ke nama... everest jugak, buktikan melayu boleh. hampa cuba ikuit p5, maju tanpa DEB.

paasal samy tu hang tak payah risau. i'll give him a call.

Hidup Melayu! Melayu boleh!

At 5:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bugus, bagus...sekurang-kurangnya cerite AP reda sikit. Saya nak mintak P5 (whoever you are) distract ahli2 politik ni sikit. Ambik lah gambar yang hebat2 lagi. Saya dah tak tahan dgn Tun ni, asyik nak pekena saya je..huk huk..
Apasal tak cakap pasal Megaprojek Tun tu, contoh Twin Tower tu. Jawab la jgn tak jawab!
Untuk pengetahuan anda semua pemberian AP baik Naza dsbnya adalah sah dari segi undang2!

At 5:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sudah sudah lah. Jangan kita bergaduh2 lagi. Malu malu. Seganlah sikit dgn org2 muda yg asyik membog ni. Rafidah, Sami, come to my room now! I need to discuss things! Tun, plese retire peacefully and QUIETLY!

At 12:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe this strategic view of the tower calls for inevitable precaution. Alqaedah can't resist terorising places with high buildings. I can prove that there are WMD underneath the twin towers. Osama has been in hiding eversince I call for war against terorism but he has strong global network and the twin tower may be his next target.You're either with us or against us!

At 1:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have been to the towers, i scalled the walls, quite slippery. a great design and engineering work.

It was said that a picture tells a million stories, but today u prove them wrong. infact it invites a million comments. well done!

i have to go swinging now. Need photos to be taken for daily globe. The difference between us is that, u take pictures from behind a glass wall, but mine from the outside.

At 10:40 AM, Blogger dith said...

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At 10:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saya (dalam suara dubbing style katun melayu)setuju dgn Spiderman. Memang gambar ni telah menjempot berbagai ragam komen dari berbagai tokoh. Saya dan Nobita ingin sangat ke Twin Tower ni. Sekejap lagi saya akan guna 'portal ajaib' saya untuk ke sana. Satu lagi, P5, kalau anda susah mendapat gambar yg jelas sbb cermin yg tebal , saya ada 'gadget' khas untuk 'menghilangkan' cermin itu seketika! Kalau nak email saya di


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